Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Keeper of Secrets

This is what happens when I'm beyond exhausted but can't sleep...I write.  And you get to read it.
Keeper of Secrets
They come to me
Whispers on the wind
Quick glances so that no one sees
A note with words, short and broken
They come to me

They come to me
Broken, hurting, afraid
Excited, joyous, hopeful
Anxious, pleading, begging
They come to me

They come to me
Hurts that are big
Joys that are shaky
Fears that are all too real
They come to me

They come to me
I don’t always look for them
I don’t always seek them out
I don’t always expect them
They come to me

They come to me
I hold them in my heart
I lift them in my prayers
I cherish this act of trust
They come to me

They come to me
These whispers on the wind
These secrets from the dark places
These precious burdens of faith
They come to me

They come to me
And for a time, I carry them
But they are more than I can carry
They are more than my heart can hold
But still, they come to me

They come to me
And I hold them for a time.
Then I give them to the One who is able
The One who holds what I cannot
I give them to Him

I give them to Him
The whispers on the wind
The broken, hurting and afraid
The worries, joys, and hopes
I give them to Him

I give them to Him
He holds them closer than I ever could
He lifts them higher than I ever could
He cherishes them more than I ever coul
I give them to Him

I give them to Him
He gives me peace
He gives me rest
He gives me comfort
I give them to Him, my Keeper of Secrets
jep 15.02.11

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