Monday, March 08, 2010

Just an Ordinary Sunday

I don't have any creative artwork or craft project to show for this weekend. I don't have any masterful piece of poetry or a retelling of a Bible story.  I just have me and a relatively boring weekend.
After averaging no more than 5 hours of sleep a night all week, I crashed after watching Theatre Central's production of "Urinetown: The Musical", not bothering to set an alarm for Saturday morning.  Surprisingly enough, I woke up on my own about 8 hours later and began a productive Saturday. My domestice urges overcame my urges to be studious, which went well for my laundry and general room cleanliness, not so great for my paper, but it all got done. It is now Sunday evening and my paper is finished, as well as all of my reading for tomorrow, AND my room is clean. 

Highlights from this weekend:
  • Walmart.  You never know what will happen at Walmart. You just might find giant cups and saucers and feel compelled to take pictures of your friends pretending to drink out of them.  Or you might get distracted by shiny utility knives.  Or you might have a conversation about mission trips with someone in the shampoo aisle.  Or you might do all of the above and more.
  • Baby Andrew.  He's 1 week old today and I got to cuddle him after church.  So precious and so tiny.  I even got permission from his sisters (and parents) to come cuddle him during the week.  Me and Andrew, we're gonna be friends.
  • New earphones. Earphones don't work so well after they have been sat/stepped on or otherwise smashed. So I have new ones now. They are blue.
  • Urinetown: The Musical.   I like musicals. A lot.  I like watching my friends be in musicals.  Little Sally, you still make me smile.
  • Friends.  I love being reminded how much my friends love me and that they only ever have my best interests in mind.  I also love that they can be just as stubborn as me.
  • Sundae Sunday.  We definetely had a floor activity this afternoon that involved ice cream Sundays.  and my RAs definetely bought Joy-friendly ice cream.  and I definetely ate far too much of it. 
Things I'm looking forward to this week:
  • Mommy Lisa is coming on Tuesday!  I am very very excited about this.  Very very very excited.  I haven't seen her in far too long and she is on spring break this week so she is coming to see me!
  • Playing Bible Volleyball with Mommy Lisa.  Again, it has been far too long.
  • Warmer weather.  According to my computer we will be up to 10 (C) or 50 (F) by Wednesday.  Spring is on the way.  Soon, we might actually be able to see grass and flowers and all manner of other things.
  • Spring break.  need I explain?
  • New Orleans.  I'm leaving Friday evening with a group to go do work in New Orleans for spring break.  I'm rather excited about this adventure.  We shall see what G-d has in store.
Things I'm not so sure about right now:
  • My midterm tomorrow night.  It involves remembering information from 13 chapters of a book.  I'm  not so great at the remembering thing. I think it might also involve group oral discussion.  Another thing I'm not so great at.
  • Summer.  I thought, for about 5 hours today, that I had plans for at least part of summer.  I was even fairly confident that these plans were in line with what G-d wanted from me since it had been affirmed by separate groups of people, independent of each other.  Evidently it wasn't supposed to be that way, at least not that way the way that I thought it was going to happen.  I'm back to square 0 for summer plans.
  • Life after Central. I will hopefully know after spring break if I got accepted at Western. The next day that they review applications is March 15, so I definetely won't know before then. Sometimes its hard to trust that G-d has this all under control.  I get rather impatient at times.
  • My IRB application.  It's a lot of work and it needs to get finished this week and it's not quite on schedule.  I'm a tad bit overwhelmed by it to be honest.
Parting words:
The second last song we sang tonight at Calm was "Sing to the King"  (the last song was "I'll Fly Away" which also made me happy) and it just filled me with joy, especially when a friend hugged me halfway through and told me she had just been praying that song over me. (If you want the lyrics click here.)  The song just gives me so much hope that Jesus is coming again and that until he comes, no matter what happens, we belong to him, and he's already beaten the enemy.
Good night all!


Olga said...

Are you coming to Ontario for Spring Break?

Joy said...

No, I'm going on a Missions Trip to New Orleans for spring break. The next planned time for me to be back in Ontario is May, after I graduate!