November 11, 2008
I sat at my desk in my dorm room, half doing homework and half chatting with a friend online. I was part way through my 3rd semester at college and had gotten into the routine of homework, classes and hanging out with friends. I knew when I could afford to chat online and when I needed to give homework 100% of my attention. This was one of those nights were there was nothing pressing that I had to focus on, so I chatted away. I don't even remember what we were talking about, but I sent a message telling my friend I didn't feel well. That was the last she heard from me. Concerned, she called a mutual friend who lived in my building. The mutual friend came to check on me and found me on the floor. I had evidently just had my first seizure. My friend tried to convince me to let her take me to the hospital, but I refused. I had sustained a fairly significant head injury and refused to see reason. My friend, in her wisdom, made a deal with me that if I wasn't any better the next day or if I had another seizure, I'd let her take me in. She spent the night checking on me every couple of hours to make sure I was still conscious. I'm not sure what I ever did to deserve a friend like her.
November 12, 2008
I spent most of the day extremely disoriented. I may have even gone to some of the wrong classes. I don't actually remember much from that day. At some point, presumably towards the evening, I had another seizure. This time there was no doubt about it. I was with my friends and they saw everything. Even with a fairly significant head injury I kept my end of the deal up and let my friends bring me to the hospital. I don't think I had enough strength left to protest anyways. I was admitted to hospital that night, following a CT scan that showed some abnormalities in my brain. The doctors weren't very hopeful that I'd live long. The hospital chaplain came to make sure I was ready to go Home. My mom made the trip from Canada to Iowa to be with me.
The Next Two Years
A lot happened over the next two years. I went through a slew of different anti-epileptic drugs. None of them worked. I saw neurosurgeon after neurosurgeon. None of them had any answers. I had two prolonged hospital stays for testing, three periods where I was wired to a heart monitor. There were never any conclusive answers.
Throughout all of it, I had the support of an amazing community of faith. They prayed for me and with me. They held me the nights that I sobbed. They fed my mom while she stayed on campus with me. One very special person even left her family to come live with me, providing care for me so that I could stay on campus and continue with my education. My faith community took me to doctor's appointments, to the grocery store, to the library. They read my textbooks to me when medication caused me to lose most my vision. They were the hands and feet of Christ to me.
After two years nothing had really changed. I'd graduated from Central, but I was still having seizures 2 or 3 times a week. I'd even had a seizure bad enough to put me in a coma for a short period of time (bad experience, I don't recommend it). Most my doctors had given up on finding an answer for me. They told me I just had to live with it. I'd come to a point where I'd given up on answers. There was still a few more tests they could run, a few more things they could try, but I was done. I didn't want anymore. I was tired of dead ends and wasted tests. I made it clear that I didn't want any more testing unless something changed. That was my decision and I was sticking to it.
December 12, 2010
I was watching a movie with one of my roommates while the other one prepared roasted turnip for supper. (I love my roommates, just sayin'). The turnip was done and went to the kitchen to get some. All of a sudden I felt it coming, the pre-seizure feeling I had come to dread. I braced myself against the counter top as I said "I don't feel so good". That's the last thing I remember. My roommates say I had a seizure then, shorter than normal, but still a seizure. When it was over they sat me up and gave me roasted turnip to eat (again, I have the most awesome roommates ever!). I didn't know it then, there was nothing to distinguish that seizure from any of the hundred others that I'd had, but that seizure was to be my last for a very long time, possibly (hopefully) my last seizure ever.
January 31, 2011
It has now been 50 days since my last seizure. I cannot point to anything I did or anything any of my doctors did. There were no changes made to my diet or my medications, no changes in my routine or anything else.
There is only one answer. G-d has had His hand on me for a long time. It is His hand that has brought me healing. Nothing else. Here's the picture of happiness:
"Now I want you to know brothers, (and sisters) what has happened to me has really served to advance the Gospel."
(NIV) Philippians 1:12
G-d waited until I had nowhere else to turn, until I had nothing else I could point to before He brought healing into my life. I just wish it hadn't taken me so long to fully turn to Him. To Him be all glory and honor and power!To all of you who have been supporting me and praying for me throughout this journey, thank you from the bottom of my heart. Know that you have been part of a miracle.
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