Is it sad that when I hear the word "visit" the first things that come to mind are words that combine with visit? Words such as "Doctor's" or "Dentist's" or "feeding specialist" or "audiologist" or "neurologist"? Why in my head is the word "visit" associated most frequently with visits to medical professionals? I guess it says something about how my last few week's have gone...visits to the midwife, the audiologist, the feeding specialist (for Bean), scheduling visits to the dentist and the doctor, being careful not to double book myself with upcoming visits to the neurologist and the lab, and hoping that certain visits won't have to be made - such as another visit to the audiologist for Bean or a follow-up dentist's visit.
I want to think of happier visits...of visits to see friends, of visits to see David at school, of visits from friends, but right now my visits are scheduled and carefully stored in my calendar. Will there be a time for spontaneous visits again soon? Visits that aren't scheduled weeks in advance in a myriad of different cities? It would be nice.
Five minute Friday is one visit that I look forward to, it's a scheduled visit, but a wonderful one.
I always look at my work and then look at what others write and wonder how they write so much in five minutes...
Bean and I on the train heading to our second visit with the feeding specialist
Stopping over from Five Min Friday. I enjoyed reading your post, and my heart goes out to you. This is a season ... there will be spontaneous visits again one day ... but in the meantime, I pray you'll have visits from friends who communicate they're with you in this trial. As a reflection of the Christ who always visits us in distress. Blessings to you.
Stopping over from Five Min Friday. I enjoyed reading your post, and my heart goes out to you. This is a season ... there will be spontaneous visits again one day ... but in the meantime, I pray you'll have visits from friends who communicate they're with you in this trial. As a reflection of the Christ who always visits us in distress. Blessings to you.
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