Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Back in Canada

Did you miss me?  Between exams (both school exams and classis exams), my cousin getting married, moving back to Canada, planning a wedding, and battling a nasty tongue and ear infection that has led to mild dehydration and malnutrition, I have been notably absent from my blog.  I cringed today when I realized it had been almost a month since I posted anything and my last posts were just photos! I have nothing profound to offer today, except that I am alive, I am back on the farm and will be until the wedding. I'll be working with Mom at the Mill for a few hours a day and other than that I'll be preparing for the wedding and working around the house.  Maybe I'll even get a chance once in awhile to post here.  I'm still needing a lot more sleep than I'd like to need, but hopefully as I overcome these infections, that will get better.
That's about it for today.  Hopefully a more profound post comes soon.

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