This post is a list of prayer requests because there is so much on my heart today.
Number 1:
Tamara (a friend of my brother) and her son Terrence are in the hospital as 3 year old Terrence receives chemotherapy for leukemia. The hospital is very far away from where Terrence's daddy and siblings live. Please pray for healing for little Terrence and that G-d would somehow use this situation to bring the family to him.
Number 2:
A dear friend of mine was admitted to hospital yesterday with what currently appears to be a killer case of mono. It had caused her tonsils to swell to a point that swallowing and breathing were difficult. She is currently planning a wedding and looking for a job. Please pray for strength and quick healing.
Number 3:
Many churches are getting ready to kick off their fall programming. Please pray for the leaders of the churches as they prepare and launch. Pray also for those who will be drawn in by the fall programming. Prepare their hearts and their minds and their souls.
Number 4:
My dad was able to stop taking some of his fever-reducing medication over the weekend and his fever didn't come back! Praise the Lord of this step in the right direction. Please continue to pray for a complete recovery.
Number 5:
After 138 days with any seizure activity, I had at least 2 seizures today. There may have been a smaller one in the morning, but I don't remember. A few classmates who know me well said that there was some definite odd behavior and motions from me and made them think seizure. I'm quite upset and am really searching as to what my next steps should be and where G-d is calling me. Please pray for peace and clarity and that this was a one time event.
Number 6:
I am preaching my first morning service on Sunday. I currently have nothing on paper, nor do I have a pianist/music leader. Please pray for guidance and the moving of the spirit.
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