Monday, August 08, 2011

The Food

Every Celebration needs good food and since my excitement levels and the amount of baking I do are correlated, there was a lot of baking done for this celebration
An overview of the table before I started carrying things outside.  Not pictured are the cheese and cracker plates, including both store bought crackers and homemade crackers.
Fruit Bowl with cantaloupe, watermelon, peaches, blueberries, raspberries and strawberries.  Everything except the strawberries was fresh from the market. 
The baked goods tray: Blueberry millet mini muffins, Spongecake mini muffins, Marmorkuchen (marble cake), chocolate chocolate chip cookies, fudge brownies, coconut chip bars, and maple date cookies.  I also made lemon-lime squares but they didn't hold up well enough to serve.  All of the baked goods were "allergy friendly" to a large extent.  The Marmorkuchen contained soy and the bars and brownies contained traces of soy since I used a soy based shortening to grease the pan.  Other than that, everything was free of the top 8.

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