Here's some pictures from our shearing days:
Duchess doesn't quite understand the concept of holding still for her picture. Actually, Duchess doesn't quite understand the concept of holding still for anything.
Caasi stands nice for her picture. She's a bit older and knows the drill. Caasi was the very first alpaca born on our farm.
Isaac snuck into the shearing line up.
If it's in the lineup, it goes on the table and gets shorn...that's just how it works.
Idaho is a little frisky. She's another one that doesn't like to stand still.
Annie got herself stuck under the hay feeder while waiting her turn to be shorn.
This one gets cuddles and chin scratches
While they are on the table they get a pedicure and a smile job as well.
In the first three days of shearing (all on our farm) we did approximately 43 animals.
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