As important as vitamin D is, I did not want Bean getting burnt. But I also didn't want to slather him in the chemicals found traditional sunscreen. So I took to the internets hunting down a recipe that would work for us. I found this one (link opens in a new window) and whipped up a batch.
We were all set for fun in the sun when the mosquitoes began to take over the world. Time to whip up some mosquito repellent. I scoured the internets again, hunting for the perfect recipe that I would be comfortable with using on Bean. My searches led me here (link opens in a new window). I decided I would rather have it in a cream base instead of a liquid (less likely to make a mess), so I told Husbandy that I was going to use the same base that I used for the sunscreen, leave out the zinc oxide and put the mosquito repelling oils in instead. This is where Husbandy's brilliance shone through. He proposed that I not leave out the zinc oxide and instead mix the mosquito repelling oils in with the sunscreen! In my mind it was a revolution - sunscreen that was also mosquito repellent! Or mosquito repellent that was also sunscreen! I set to work and our new invention, based off of the two recipes linked above was born - Bug Screen!
Here is the recipe I ultimately ended up using (ever so slightly altered from the first two):
1/2 Cup olive oil
1/4 Cup beeswax
1/4 Cup coconut oil
2 TBSP zinc oxide powder
60 drops lemongrass essential oil
40 drops eucalyptus essential oil
20 drops peppermint essential oil
16 drops tea tree essential oil
4 (ish) drops lavender essential oil
Since I made the sunscreen first and then later turned it in to bug screen I melted the first three ingredients together in a double boiler (glass jar in a pan of boiling water) and then mixed the zinc oxide powder in, stirring super well to make sure the zinc oxide didn't clump. While it cooled I stirred it periodically to make sure it didn't settle out. When I was ready to turn it into bug screen, I remelted the sunscreen and added the essential oils in, stirring well to incorporate.
If I were doing it again, I'd melt the first three oils together, add the essential oils and then add the zinc oxide at the end.
It appears to work well and is non-toxic - Husbandy tricked Littlest Brother into tasting some of it, and he lived - however he says it doesn't taste real great ;)
Bean enjoying some splash pad fun