Monday, June 03, 2013

Introducing: Bean

David and I are pleased to announce the pending arrival of our little bundle of joy: Bean.
Bean is expected to arrive in mid to late December and we are eager for Bean's arrival.  In the  meantime, here are some question and answers about Bean.

Is Bean a boy or a girl?
Bean is either a boy or a girl.  We will find out in about 6 months, right after we see Bean's face.

Are you hoping for a boy or a girl?
We will both be happy as long as Bean is healthy, regardless of whether Bean is a boy or a girl.

Have you been sick?
Yes.  But as long as I take my Diclectin I'm okay.

What about school?  I heard that David was going back to Iowa...
Yes, David is going back to Iowa to finish off his BA at Central.  Due to visa requirements, he has been unable to get work in Canada.  Without an income, we can't afford to send him to school here.  Additionally, it would take 2-3 years here for him to finish his degree whereas he can do it in one at Central, and earn an income at the same time.

What about you?  Are you going with him?
No.  I will be staying here.  Because of medical costs it is not feasible for me to be in the US during pregnancy and delivery.  It would cost a lot of money that we don't have.  Here it is covered by the government, so financially it is better for me to stay here.  I will be continuing my schooling at Tyndale, taking online courses.

Won't that be ridiculously hard?
Yes.  There will be nothing easy about it, but it is something that has to happen at this point. Thankfully we have Skype and e-mail and Facebook...  we'll be able to stay in touch.  It won't be the same as being together, but it will help.

Will David be back before Bean is born?
Hopefully.  It all depends on when he writes his exams and when Bean decides to show up.  It is our prayer that Bean will wait until David is home before he/she comes, but Bean will come when Bean is ready to come.

What is the plan after Bean is born?
We will work on getting Bean a passport as soon as possible, ideally before it is time for David's graduation in May.  David does intend on coming back to Canada at this point and pursuing a Master's degree.  The college he has looked at would allow him to work off campus and thus be able to continue providing income for us, making it a lot easier for him to live in Canada and us to be together as a happy family.

How can I help out?
At this point not a whole lot of help is needed, but once David leaves to go back to school in August, and especially after Bean is born, there will be more ways to help.  In the meantime, the best support can be given through prayer - both for my health and for Bean's health.   I am planning on setting up a Facebook group where I can post specific prayer requests for Bean and I throughout the pregnancy.  If you would like to be part of it, let me know and I will be sure to add you.

Introducing Phantom

On May 26 our first cria of the year was born.
She was born at 9:30am on Sunday morning

She weighed 14.5 lbs

David carried her down to a sunnier paddock so she could dry off and warm up

By mid afternoon she was alert and running.  She's a beautiful black girl.

Saturday, June 01, 2013

May Photo Recap

And here come the photos from May:
Our alpacas enjoyed the sun - both before they were shorn...
..and after they were shorn.
They enjoyed the weather so much that they made Mommy a mother's day card!

(I can't figure out how to turn the pictures so they are right way up)