Sunday, October 31, 2010

Life's Not Fair.

I don't know what's gotten into me...two poetry posts in a row. :)  Maybe it's the colder weather or maybe it's a sign of how good I am at procrastinating on homework.
Life's Not Fair
One baby gets to go home from the hospital right after he's born, healthy and happy.
Another baby stays in the hospital for months after he's born, fighting for a chance at life.
Life's not fair.

One man is born into a life of wealth and ease.
Another man works 2 jobs to try and feed his family.
Life's not fair.

One student is given a world of opportunity and skips more classes than he attends.
Another student wishes there was a school where he could learn to read.
Life's not fair.

One person gets a diagnosis and treatment plan months after symptoms first appear.
Another person waits years with no answers at all.
Life's not fair.

One child throws most his breakfast away because he "didn't want it".
Another child goes to school hungry, waiting for free lunch.
Life's not fair.

One couple longs without ceasing for a baby to call their own.
An young women gets pregnant with a child she doesn't want and aborts.
Life's not fair.

One person hides their faith because it's "uncool"
Another person dies for their faith because it's illegal.
Life's not fair.

One world deserves to die for it's sins.
One Man dies so that they don't have to.
Life's not fair.

jep 31.10.10

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