Saturday, November 06, 2010

Parent's Night Out

There are many things about seminary that make me smile - having a playground in my backyard, having awesome roommates, roommate grocery shopping, Kollen Park, the Aquatic Center, having chapel every day, and the list could go on...However the one thing making me smile right now is Parent's Night Out.
I don't know how long ago it started or who's idea it was, but I think it is marvelous.  Basically, seminary students who are parents get to drop their kids off at the student lounge and seminary students who are not parents watch them.  It's a win on both sides...Parents get some time off from their kids and we get a chance to play with their children.
To me it's a picture of community, of building each other up. Parents get refreshed by having some together time without children and we get refreshed by being able to forget about school work for a time and play with kids. In community no one person can do everything themselves, we have to support each other.  When we do, we all win.
There wasn't much to that, but I thought I'd share anyways.  

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